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Grateful for emotions...and hospitals maybe?

This will be a super short piece...

I’m seated right outside the Nairobi West Hospital pharmacy, waiting for the routine consumables. It’s a good day. Her pressure was perfect today, I smiled even. 
So hospitals tend to bring out all sorts of emotions, and I’ve had quite a range of them since we got here about 3hours ago. Another thing is hospitals teach you patience lol so I’ve learned to even take work calls throughout the wait.
Comfortable workspace at times... :)

Today, what specifically pushed me to write my thoughts was a little boy, I would guess 9/10years old. He’s seated with his mom right across my sister and I. He’s waiting for a doctor to see him. I step out for a few minutes to get water for my sister since it’s water o’clock and so I miss out on a little. When I get back, I find the boy half way through an erratic vomit session. I watch him and what comes to my heart is pain. I feel his pain and that of the mother who watches on helplessly. All I can say is I’m sorry but for the life of me I can’t watch on and so I move my sister to another section of the waiting area.
A few minutes later, the hospital support staff come through to clean up the area and this moment just has tears gathering around my eyelids. Thoughts rush across my mind...
...’no one should have to do this job’
...’why do people need to get sick?’
...’oh God any other punishment would have sufficed than the need for hospitals... isn’t death without pestilence enough?’
...’oh how I look forward to that promised ecosystem without meds, doctors, hospital floors and long waits.’

Now I’m so grateful that we have healthcare in our ecosystem for I am a direct beneficiary of it. I’m grateful for the woman that noticed me and sent someone to help me. I’m grateful for the gentleman that helped push the wheelchair. I’m grateful for the doctor that smiled at me as she tried to reduce the waiting time. I’m grateful for the dispensing pharmacist whose face I’ve seen more than any guy I’ve ever liked 😂😂😂. Most importantly I’m grateful to God for the emotions that come for they remind me daily that I’m HUMAN! To be HUMAN is to feel and to love.
I’ll end by quoting words from a podcast I listened to most recently. “We are emotional beings that sometimes think.”
Keep feeling. And I now need to get on the 4pm call that I am already 5mins late to! hahaha. Ciao!

Forever love, D

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