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To God and Mama

 I was really struggling with the fact that I’ve been able to write a dedicated article to every family member except Mum. The angle is what defeated me. I know very well that we love each other in our unique silent ways. I know Mum will call very rarely and I return the favor far less times; and sometimes when I return the favor, it would be through a call I made to Dad and asked how Mum is doing then Dad would hand over his phone to Mum if they were close to each other. Our conversations are always very short and precise.

To some extent when Mum calls I know it’s a serious matter. Even when Bree’s accident happened, it’s Mum that called, not Dad. The most recent call Mum made was at around 5am asking whether I was up and with a groggy morning voice my answer was not yet. She went on to say, “Amka uombe.” I didn’t hesitate and went directly to “Umeota nini?” I knew the only thing that would have pushed her to call would have been a bad dream about me. She explained her dream and I assured her it’s going to be okay.

Standing here in this moment, in front of this building that confirms to me that I have started my dual masters is one of the best gifts I could extend to Mum (I think the ultimate best would be a grandchild lol - but till then, this is it). I’ll explain the dream later and what it means in retrospect.

Had really wanted to take the legendary photo in front of the building but there are ongoing renovation works :( so will update the day I do.

However, this is dedicated to my Mum for being the parent!

One of the conversations I shared with Lisa (one of my closest friends) was how my Mum and I knew we loved each other but I didn’t know how to write about it and Lisa’s response was because she had to be the parent! I let the statement sink in a bit and looking back at my childhood and adulthood it is true. While Dad was being a cool BFF kind of Dad, Mum was busy being the stern, disciplinarian of the home.

  • Mama, thank you for teaching me my first English word, cup, when I turned 5

  • Mama, thank you so much for waking us up early mornings to pray so that we remain grounded on our Faith. Thank you even more for praying endlessly

  • Mama, thank you for waking us up to study, and still monitor that we didn’t fall asleep during those wee hours

  • Mama, thank you for recruiting home tutors for us to ensure we got even better grades at the subjects we were already good at and to improve our mastery on subjects we struggled with

  • Mama, thank you for being the constant voice in our ear reminding us we’re destined for great things even when the environment around us betrayed that statement so hard

  • Mama, thank you for celebrating those achievements in a short lived manner to remind us to keep on

  • Mama thank you for insisting on some matters that I sometimes find odd yet really important, the latest being requesting for pastoral prayers at Lavington SDA church before leaving. Hold that thought I'll unpack this fond and gratitude filled memory in a bit

  • Mama, thank you most of all for believing in me. In your silence, in your grace, in your rare tears and in your prayers

Back to Mum’s dream… because of the anxiety she had of me leaving, a few days before my departure she dreamt I had a paragliding accident. I’ve not tried paragliding yet but between all the stories I’d shared with her on skydiving and my desire to paragliding and her little child (yes you read that right, I’ll always be Mama’s little girl, that way I age beautifully 😉) being on air for 15hrs+, all the stories formulated a different imagination that turned into a nightmare.

Remember that thought I told you to hold on pastoral prayers? Well, here we go. So a Sabbath before I left, Mama called. She knew in God’s hands I would be safe. And so against my plans to worship in person that Sabbath, I honored her wishes and gathered the elders to pray. Reached out to the Elder on duty, Elder Githu and at around 2pm right after the sermon and business meeting, the elders and Pastor joined me in the prayer room. From this end, I’m so grateful for it. Grateful for a reference point. Grateful for the memory of the circle in that prayer room. Of prayers lifted up in sincerity by Elders that knew very little of me yet knew so much by the very act of being bound together in God’s love. Mama, I thank you for this memory and so many others on the power of prayer.

So I, Dolly Michira, the daughter of then an ECD teacher and an army gatekeeper that grew into a high school teacher and university faculty, will be studying a dual MPH/MBA masters program at the #1 school of public health in the world because I was held by my Mum’s heart!

I, Dolly Michira, am privileged to be here. Experiencing the next two years with classmates from all over the world. Classmates with unparalleled depth of stories. Classmates that have passionate public health stories that brought them here. Some that want to solve child trafficking, others that want to address health delivery, others about immigrants, refugees, waste management, racial equity, chronic conditions etc; and a few others like myself that care about dignifying family caregiving. Here's to two years of learning and questioning absolutely everything so that we are best positioned to deliver on the schools vision; 'Protecting Health, Saving Lives—Millions at a Time'

How I pray that I’m always in the present moment that I may not miss out on this once in a lifetime encounter with such diversity and beauty.

Dear God, all I’ll do is testify of the battles YOU have won. How YOU are always my portion when there’s not enough. Of seas we have crossed, the waters you’ve parted and the waves I have braved, singing My God, YOU did not fail me! It’s the only story I’ll tell.

I love you Mama. I love you most God.

Forever love, and death will not do us part, D

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