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Grateful for the angels among us

 Today, or rather for a long while now, I have felt the need rather than the urge to just pour out my gratitude for a wonderful HUMAN that 2017 brought my way. His name is Anthony Wagacha. There are so many instances when this gentleman in his kindness has given me a new lease of life. Well, I most recently told him he was heaven sent and he wouldn't believe it. So I will paint a picture of exactly what I mean. In my usual fashion, I will mention those that stick out for me…

Our most recent catch up - it just hit me we've never taken a photo lol.... 

A hopeless Facebook post: I was deep in the throes of caregiving then. Probably 2018. I had not even considered counselling / therapy then. It was a Saturday morning and I remember how excited my sisters and I were to go to church. Brenda was getting better and we were just resuming worship from church then. I loved joining the morning prayer sessions. However, the devil knows how to rain on one's parade. So he somewhat played his hopeless card and Brenda woke up ill… to make matters worse I had a flat tire. Now this and many other things had me so sad that I posted something rather unlike me. Wagacha was the first to catch it regardless of the 8hr time difference. He called me immediately and I remember how understanding he was. I felt heard, I felt held. We talked for an hour and I took down the post before any other human had laid eyes on it. I am grateful that God sent Wagacha to save me from myself. To comfort me. To listen and to remind me hope is never lost!

School applications: The first time I knew of Wagacha in 2017, I was applying to get into Stanford GSB. Recommended to me by a colleague and so conversations began. I had an idea of why I needed to go to grad school (other than a 2yr break from work life lol) but I didn't know how to tell the story. Wagacha made it happen so beautifully. We scheduled calls, and met in person when he was on school break. Wagacha listened to the cry of my soul. Wagacha put in the hours to call me when I despaired and he pushed hard when I needed a hint of tough love. Wagacha read my essays multiple times ensuring the next version was better than the previous until we got to vF. I didn't get into Stanford GSB then. In 2019, I tried again. This time more schools. Guess who read all school essays again? Mr Wagacha. I may never repay this kindness but I pay it forward to date, I will review as many school application essays as my friends need me to, having learned from the very best. I got in to the school I hoped for and I know every once in a while at grad school, I will remember I am there thanks to a kind soul.

Professional sounding board: This is both on the corporate and social entrepreneurship fronts. Wagacha has more than enough on his plate as a witty tech entrepreneur navigating our rather daunting continent's tech space. But Wagacha will always make the time - once every few months to catch up, discuss job moves and most recently recommend personality befitting opportunities. We have learned and grown together on this specific area - continuously learning traits of ourselves that make us great employees and innovators. Most importantly, when I chose to defer grad school to continue my pursuits in the healthcare space, Wagacha selflessly agreed to review my internal memo to my employer. When my employer said yes, Wagacha was there to celebrate it with me. I am truly more than grateful to have this perspective on my professional life. To always know there's one to count on and one that will reach out especially when I have been silent for too long. A friend that pushes to see his friends thrive. 

I know sometimes gratitude may sound a little selfish since it is inward looking. Gratitude focuses on what our encounters with kind HUMANS made us feel. How we processed their acts of kindness etc. However, the ripple effect of gratitude is more universal than we may comprehend. The version of ourselves that the people around us receive is unparalleled. We are our kindest most compassionate selves and inspire the same in others. In this regard, I am sooooo grateful for Wagacha who inspires me to present the most authentic and truest version of me to the world. In his actual words: "I just want you to bring your full self to work every day." 

Wagacha, I repeat, you are heaven sent. And to you dearest reader, I pray you have a similar HUMAN in your circle of meaningful friends. If not yet, I will be praying you.

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