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Grateful for Neighbor Friend 4 :)

I know it's been a while - there definitely were moments worth writing about but were overtaken by events and a busy schedule so when in a backdating mood, I will get to them. Fresh from the mental works and reflections...

Today’s lesson: You never know the friend you’re missing out on if you don’t dare to start the conversation. 

And here goes the story: So, there was a power cut in my area and needed to juice my devices up for afternoon/evening calls. I called up a few neighbor friends so I could refill at their homes in case they had power:

Neighbor Friend 1: In the same boat hahaha

Neighbor Friend 2: Didn't pick up even after three tries

Neighbor Friend 3: Not home 

One call was left to make but I was nervous. I would call this stereotyping and I'm totally against the negative versions of it but you recognize those ladies you only know from a distance yes? One thing or the other always keeps you at an arms length sort of relationship. This seemed to me as my last resort because dressing ‘up’ to get to a Java type of workspace felt like an arduous compromise lol. The looming question was - would she perceive this as taking advantage of her yet I have never set foot in her home since she moved in to our now shared neighborhood?

Initially, she didn’t pick up and so I figured that justified the looming question even more lol. (oh the lies we sometimes tell ourselves). I brace myself to get to Westlands when she calls back and says she’s home. I grab my devices and quickly drive over. As the devices celebrate a boost in battery, she and I engage in those kinds of conversations that leave you wondering how and why you have not been friends!!! Why had we let so much time waste away? And so this is me being thankful for women that absolutely hold their own! Women that are often misunderstood or misinterpreted but CHOOSE to maintain their individuality. 

The conversation ended with two valuables; a podcast and book recommendation that I will share with the few of you that care to read my thoughts lol.



Lydia Karanja, you just went up my Neighbor Friend call list lol! Thank you for a delicious mini-meal, WiFi and electricity. But most importantly, thank you for just talking! Let’s keep nurturing our spiritual core. ❤️❤️

***If today would have been the only conversation I had with you, then I am filled with gratitude. 😊

PS: As I was looking for a quote to go with all the wisdom and insight in the statement my mind crafted as the lesson, I landed on this article and rather than I plagiarize, why not read it all and ping me on what part you loved >> ðŸ˜‰

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