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Rediscovering love through 29 humans

 So, as usual I’ll pen down a few birthday reflections. This time, I type away seated at a beautiful location in Guatemala. As you know from previous posts you cared to skim through, I am a thrifty traveler. The hostels in this side of the world had it in for me with the beauty they behold. I can only wonder what luxury travelers experience. The hostel name is Boatique Hotel and Marina (definitely worth coming back to). Perfectly isolated and surrounded by water. The sign post is just above my head. The sun is setting on the day I was born and my 29th lap of life begins. The way I would summarize this day right from yesterday would be rediscovering love.  There are versions of me I like keeping to myself because it makes hanging out with myself so much fun. It makes those conversations intriguing and when I tell you I got lost in my brain, I mean it because sometimes it takes a while for me to catch up with me lol. I have had quite patchy sessions of that this time. I have realized tha
Recent posts

I am grateful for a home and family

I love my family and friends, but I strongly believe I am a daughter of mother Universe. There are just things about my life I can never seem to find an explanation to. Really really beautiful mysteries they are. So today, I write about a wonderful family. The Choti family.  I finalized this post this having assembled my full size amazon delivered bed in my red room at a quaint little house with an address 235 S Wolfe St (send me random gifts okay? Lol). Nothing like Sherlock Holmes 221 Baker Street but love the fact that I now have an address. I clicked publish post seated at one of the reading rooms at Bloomberg School of Public Health having walked for 13mins from my new home (because we still haven't figured out home WiFi and finals are our current priority lol). The joy, singing and dance walking to school were all pure bliss!!! So, on to the main story... As at March 2021, neither of us knew the other existed. Our paths had never crossed. They lived on the northern hemisphere

To God and Mama

  I was really struggling with the fact that I’ve been able to write a dedicated article to every family member except Mum. The angle is what defeated me. I know very well that we love each other in our unique silent ways. I know Mum will call very rarely and I return the favor far less times; and sometimes when I return the favor, it would be through a call I made to Dad and asked how Mum is doing then Dad would hand over his phone to Mum if they were close to each other. Our conversations are always very short and precise. To some extent when Mum calls I know it’s a serious matter. Even when Bree’s accident happened, it’s Mum that called, not Dad. The most recent call Mum made was at around 5am asking whether I was up and with a groggy morning voice my answer was not yet. She went on to say, “Amka uombe.” I didn’t hesitate and went directly to “Umeota nini?” I knew the only thing that would have pushed her to call would have been a bad dream about me. She explained her dream and I as

See you all real soon!

My last two months in Kenya were love filled... a rough patch here and there but altogether lovely. I just realized how much love I have through the very deep friendships built over time. And before I get into the details of the different groups in my life I would like all of you to remember me by the joy you all filled my heart with when we met, the tears of love that welled in my eyes and the laughter we shared. Most especially my Dearest sister Bree, remember me by all the funny moments on our drive to and from work. I am the most honored human being on earth to have had the opportunity to care for you and love on you. I will continue to do so. My next chapter in life has been majorly inspired by your resilience, silence stoicism and most raw emotional pain I have ever experienced. I hope my next chapter brings smiles to all our faces. So now, I literally choreographed this blog in reality. I scheduled the farewell sessions weeks ahead of time and I am glad to have met with the grou

I am grateful for six years of loving Joan Mogotu Marita

Exactly 6 years of friendship (now 7 is my favorite number plus all multiples of 7 but the timing for this just felt right 😃). On Wednesday May 13 2015, at around 2-3pm EAT, I met a girl in a green dress. The room if I recall it right was labelled Sherehe. ( Could be symbolic because some version of our friendship has been an absolute paaaarrrrttttttyyyyy!!) We were attending an information session, the second step of our interview process at McKinsey & Company.  I remember that right after the information session we walked together, crossed the road. I don’t recall what we talked about when we walked but I remember the warm excited feeling. I remember thinking about how I’d pray for her - not knowing her faith then and not knowing whether we’d get in but I prayed we’d both get in. I saw her off at her bus stop and walked on to mine. And yes, God answered that prayer. We both got the job! It has turned out to be God’s utmost ministry of friendship. Six wonder-filled years lat

Of musings in solitude

***Delayed because there was just so much to say about Lamu.  I have struggled to settle on a theme for my solo trip to Lamu. So much beauty, so much diversity that I can't find a common thread haha. Yet to me, Lamu was a soulful experience. I spent so much time reflecting such that when I caught up with my closest trio plus siblings, I kept saying "You know I really thought about that when in Lamu." or "When in Lamu, x and y dawned on me." That being said, being by myself totally unplugged social media wise was just a beautiful blessing. On solo travel ventures, I rarely have an itinerary, just an idea of what activities I want to get done in the area by the time I leave. There's no particular order or time to carry out the activities and somehow, everything always falls into place. So actually let me pen down just how the entire itinerary came together and what each moment made me think or feel. How Lamu made my heart and soul smile. Walk around Lamu town

On being fully present

I spent most of the latter half of February with family... my brother at the coast, punctuated it with a few days of solitude in Lamu then the larger family in Nakuru. One thing I was aching to do was go completely offline and so I did. Primarily to break a habit and secondly, to be able to pay attention. I realize that I am always on my phone when with family and so they rarely get the full undisturbed version of me. In addition, I'm not sure that I take in the fullness of who they are. So I turned it all off to be fully in the moment. I am glad I did because then I bathed in: My brother’s love - when he would call to check whether we are home from the day’s excursions. How he helped put together some of the excursions given the connections he’d made. My ultimate experience of his love was how he helped get to Marikiti market to get the kashatas, achari and mabuyu the people of Nairobi wanted so bad just so we could continue checking activities off our to do list. Outside my lens