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Showing posts from May, 2021

I am grateful for six years of loving Joan Mogotu Marita

Exactly 6 years of friendship (now 7 is my favorite number plus all multiples of 7 but the timing for this just felt right 😃). On Wednesday May 13 2015, at around 2-3pm EAT, I met a girl in a green dress. The room if I recall it right was labelled Sherehe. ( Could be symbolic because some version of our friendship has been an absolute paaaarrrrttttttyyyyy!!) We were attending an information session, the second step of our interview process at McKinsey & Company.  I remember that right after the information session we walked together, crossed the road. I don’t recall what we talked about when we walked but I remember the warm excited feeling. I remember thinking about how I’d pray for her - not knowing her faith then and not knowing whether we’d get in but I prayed we’d both get in. I saw her off at her bus stop and walked on to mine. And yes, God answered that prayer. We both got the job! It has turned out to be God’s utmost ministry of friendship. Six wonder-filled years lat

Of musings in solitude

***Delayed because there was just so much to say about Lamu.  I have struggled to settle on a theme for my solo trip to Lamu. So much beauty, so much diversity that I can't find a common thread haha. Yet to me, Lamu was a soulful experience. I spent so much time reflecting such that when I caught up with my closest trio plus siblings, I kept saying "You know I really thought about that when in Lamu." or "When in Lamu, x and y dawned on me." That being said, being by myself totally unplugged social media wise was just a beautiful blessing. On solo travel ventures, I rarely have an itinerary, just an idea of what activities I want to get done in the area by the time I leave. There's no particular order or time to carry out the activities and somehow, everything always falls into place. So actually let me pen down just how the entire itinerary came together and what each moment made me think or feel. How Lamu made my heart and soul smile. Walk around Lamu town