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Showing posts from March, 2021

On being fully present

I spent most of the latter half of February with family... my brother at the coast, punctuated it with a few days of solitude in Lamu then the larger family in Nakuru. One thing I was aching to do was go completely offline and so I did. Primarily to break a habit and secondly, to be able to pay attention. I realize that I am always on my phone when with family and so they rarely get the full undisturbed version of me. In addition, I'm not sure that I take in the fullness of who they are. So I turned it all off to be fully in the moment. I am glad I did because then I bathed in: My brother’s love - when he would call to check whether we are home from the day’s excursions. How he helped put together some of the excursions given the connections he’d made. My ultimate experience of his love was how he helped get to Marikiti market to get the kashatas, achari and mabuyu the people of Nairobi wanted so bad just so we could continue checking activities off our to do list. Outside my lens