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Showing posts from February, 2021

Grateful for escape

Someone visited today and I realized we have never received home visitors, not in Nairobi at least. The only visitors we received were back when in hospital. This has been partially by design and partially by visit fatigue (if that word doesn’t exist then I should get the credit for coining it lol). By design I mean we either tell people we are not home or just decline requests. These kind of visitors keep reviving all the tears I have cried loool. They keep reminding me of the reality I sometimes try to escape. They remind me of a reality where I am always giving - professionally, religiously or family-wise. A reality that sometimes drains me so much I have nothing left. A reality where I am always praying helplessly for one thing or the other to work out.  A reality I love don't get me wrong (because it is punctuated with so much love and testimonies) but a reality I need breaks from. A reality some might perceive as a luxury while I would in a blink of an eye trade it all for a

Grateful for the angels among us

 Today, or rather for a long while now, I have felt the need rather than the urge to just pour out my gratitude for a wonderful HUMAN that 2017 brought my way. His name is Anthony Wagacha. There are so many instances when this gentleman in his kindness has given me a new lease of life. Well, I most recently told him he was heaven sent and he wouldn't believe it. So I will paint a picture of exactly what I mean. In my usual fashion, I will mention those that stick out for me… Our most recent catch up - it just hit me we've never taken a photo lol....  A hopeless Facebook post: I was deep in the throes of caregiving then. Probably 2018. I had not even considered counselling / therapy then. It was a Saturday morning and I remember how excited my sisters and I were to go to church. Brenda was getting better and we were just resuming worship from church then. I loved joining the morning prayer sessions. However, the devil knows how to rain on one's parade. So he somewhat played