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Showing posts from October, 2020

Grateful for Neighbor Friend 4 :)

I know it's been a while - there definitely were moments worth writing about but were overtaken by events and a busy schedule so when in a backdating mood, I will get to them. Fresh from the mental works and reflections... Today’s lesson: You never know the friend you’re missing out on if you don’t dare to start the conversation.  And here goes the story: So, there was a power cut in my area and needed to juice my devices up for afternoon/evening calls. I called up a few neighbor friends so I could refill at their homes in case they had power: Neighbor Friend 1: In the same boat hahaha Neighbor Friend 2: Didn't pick up even after three tries Neighbor Friend 3: Not home  One call was left to make but I was nervous. I would call this stereotyping and I'm totally against the negative versions of it but you recognize those ladies you only know from a distance yes? One thing or the other always keeps you at an arms length sort of relationship. This seemed to me as my last resort