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Showing posts from July, 2020

We call him Charlie :)

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie... where to start from with this little angel of a brother the LORD gave to us. Oh I can't even find the words to rightly express the feelings evoked just by the mention of his name. Let me focus this on the lockdown period and will unpack some more in subsequent posts as my heart is triggered. Prior to COVID-19, I loved him but the lockdown period intensified that love in ways I wouldn't think possible. We would just sit together and not a word would be exchanged between us for hours but I would have felt like a deep love conversation had just been held, one only our hearts understood. Many nights I asked him, Charlie, do you really know how much I love you? He would say yes but I am sure he truly has no idea. He is a child that has pretty much grown up by himself since my sisters were already going to school by the time he was born... and by the time he could speak and was enrolled in school, we were all in Nairobi hustling or studying. I spent the e